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Congratulations on passing your initiation!

I've been following your career for quite a while now, and I was extremely pleased to see that you were amongst those select few we have been grooming for membership in our august body.

Your talents have been wasted in Naval Intelligence for long enough!

In accepting membership in our organization, you have chosen a difficult path, one fraught with danger.  You will be called upon to further our reach and expand our capabilities.

This will be no easy feat; like Janus, you must learn to wear two faces. Your work must be conducted in parallel with the work your CID handlers give you. Success in your public persona will only deepen your value to us.

It is important that you prepare yourself. There will be no such thing as an easy assignment. Every mission given is critical to our ability to strengthen the Republic and secure our place in the galaxy.

You will immediately gain access to a wide array of information which the CID and its predecessor organizations have compiled over the last three decades.

Much of what you will read will shock you, but know this: what we've provided you access to is but the tip of the spear. The breadth of our knowledge would shatter your understanding of our galaxy, and it must be protected judiciously.

To unravel the greatest secrets of our age, you must understand how the events of the recent past fit into the larger picture. I know your role as a field agent has likely limited the amount of time you've spent in ACIS, but the information within will be critical to your continued success.

If you need a refresher on the platform, I'd highly recommend re-familiarizing yourself with the quick start guide.

I will leave you with a final warning. Success engenders trust, and only when we are certain of your complete and total dedication to our cause will we reveal the nature of our galaxy and your place in it.

Fail us, and your shortcomings may well doom our entire civilization.

These are the stakes.

Welcome to the Curia.

  • Ardent Bannerol

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